Halo-halo in Balamban Cebu

So it was Monday morning... I was about to go to ALA boxing gym to work out, when my friend sent me a text message saying they have plan to go to Balamban for a Halo-halo trip. I always do boxing work out every Sunday aftetrnoon or monday morning, so I thought this would be something new from my routine.

We met up at the Shell Gasoline station in Lahug. Around 9am, we decided to start our journey to Balamban halo-halo. I've traveled to Balamban several times already, so the curve and winding road is not new to me. I enjoyed the view of the mountains in the Trancentral highway, but nothing beats feeling the cold wind.

We did a stop over at the famous Felix Berto's burger ( famous for mc riders).

I had a coffee, while my buddies had a sweet corn.

I thought after the Felix berto stop over, we will be heading home but we went ahead to Balamban.

Balamban is not only famous for their Liempo. They have the best Halohalo too. It is located near the Bus terminal, right just behind their Public market.

If you happen to pass by Balamban, have a quick stop for this Halohalo. You won't regret it.

Toril Mactan Cebu Fishing Spot

It's 4am. A bad dream woke me up, so I got up and did not sleep again. I open my laptop, and I saw a picture from one of my fishing buddies in our facebook group page about the Toril fishing spot.

Fishing Spot in Cebu
Fishing Spot in Cebu
Since I don't want to go back to sleep, I packed my fishing gears up and diving gears in case the water would tempt me to dive, and head straight to Toril. 

Toril is located in Cordova in Lapulapu. The spot is an abandoned pier, with a large cruise ship docking for ever since I knew that fishing spot. They said it has a damaged engine and the company managing that ship was already bankcrupt. Too bad. However, the good thing is it serves as a home for many fish. I even saw a school of fish circling near earlier.

Google map Toril Mactan Fishing Spot
Google map Toril Mactan Fishing Spot

The road going to Toril is really challenging. I won't recommend going there with a 4-wheel vehicle.

Road going to Toril Cebu
Road going to Toril

I got there around 5 am. It's still dark, and it was cold! A perfect time to fish.

Motyride in Toril fishing spot
Motyride in Toril fishing spot

I checked the tide calendar, and it's going to be a low tide from 4am-11am today Aug.1. Not really a good timing.

We'll to cut the story short. Again, I didn't caught anything today.heheh But that doesn't mean that this place have lesser fish. Look at the local, he's like harvesting fish in my side. We'll his using a live shrimp as a bait, and fish gets really attracted to that.

Fish caught in Toril
Fish caught in Toril
I'll make sure to go back there with a live shrimp next time.

Fish caught in Fishing spot toril
Fish caught in Fishing spot toril
Are you in to fishing as well? 

GoPro Hero| Laoag-Vigan-Pagudpud Tour July 2015

This video is taken during our 3 days vaction tour in Vigan, Laoag, and Pagudpud. It was full of historical visits and adventure with the sand dunes. I can still remember the awesome view of the Kapurpurawan rock formation and the huge Wind mills. 
GoPro Hero| Laoag-Vigan-Pagudpud Tour July 2014
GoPro Hero| Laoag-Vigan-Pagudpud Tour July 2014

Camera used: GoPro Hero. Check out this link from Lazada, the cheapest source for this camera http://ho.lazada.com.ph/SHC4IO 

Porter Marina Fishing Spot In Cebu

Porter Marina Fishing Spot

Photo from www.wikiloc.com

It is one of the best fishing spot here in Cebu, located in Liloan. They have both pond and wild fishing.

I always go to the wild because of the excitement that you might catch or not something.

There is a 1 time payment of 100 pesos for the whole day wild fishing, and I think 100 pesos per hr for pond fishing.

Watch this video taken along with my friends.

Video taken using GoPro Hero. Here's the link of the cheapest source for this camera http://ho.lazada.com.ph/SHC4U4

Adventure in Vigan and Ilocos Region Philippines

We got off from Cebu International Airport at around 6pm. We arrived in NAIA around 7:30pm, then went straight to Pasay Partas bus station 8:00pm. We booked a special trip ticket which will take us all the way to Laoag Partas bus station. We choose the special trip because it will only stop at the terminal. The bus left at around 9pm. I was amazed with the big buildings around Metro Manila and realized that  Cebu has still a long way to catch up with the progressive capital city of the country.

We travel for more or less 8 hours and arrived in Laoag at around 5:30 am. Our contracted travel and tours agency sent a van to pick us up in the bus station. The driver was already there waiting for us when we arrived, then took us to our hotel. At around 9 am kuya bong the driver was already in our hotel for our Pagudpud tour.

We went first to Cape bojeador Lighthouse, then Kapurpurawan Rock formation, then to Bangui Windmills, and  we had stop over for lunch at Saud Beach. I thought it would be our last destination for the day but I was wrong because there would be two more long ride. I was already tired but when I saw the beautiful beach of Blue Lagoon, I was energized. If you have read my previous blogs you'll know how much I love to be in the beach. It was really nice there, the sand and the calm beach is perfect for free diving. Again, I thought it would be our last travel destination for that day, but I was wrong because after that we went to Bantay Abot Cave. It was a cave shaped by the nature of waves and sands. Then we went to Kabigan Falls. As per kuya bong it is "hashtag wala lang.. " Literally, it looks like an ordinary water falls to me.

And that's how our day 1 tour ended. I felt like it was the longest day of my life ever. I even ended up with a fever that night, but it was still fun!

Day 2 is extreme

Around 5:30 am the Laoag Sand dune driver was already waiting in the hotel lobby. I literally have no idea what will happen in  this Sand dune thing. I didn't research about it because I thought what we're going to is just a relax, picture taking vacation.

Laoag sand dunes adventure

When we arrived at the location, I was like saying to myself, "really?, I never expected this!". It was a mountain of sands and mepo told me we will be standing at the back of the big tire jeep and we have to hold on tight or we will be thrown away to the sands. I was not ready for it, but the challenge is here so bring it on!

There's no picture or video can express the feeling I felt while there. A mixed excitement about the adventure, and worry about my mepo because her head is really heavy if you know what I mean. After the "roller coaster like ride" we had sand boarding.

Again, I didn't know we were up to that, so challenge accepted! Chim is really good at it like a pro. Mepo is good as well, changing the sand boarding to seat boarding. But she took the challenge without hesitation. Brave mepo.

After that, fever strikes in again. After we arrived at the hotel to fixed ourselves, kuya bong pick us up and took us to for the Laoag travel tour.

Laoag and Vigan tour is  full of historic site visit

Our first stop was the Malacananang ti Amianan. Unfortunately, I was not feeling well, so I just stayed at the van. Next stop is Paoay Church, then Marcos Mausoleum. The sorround sound is really scary in there. Then we went straight to Vigan Tour.

Vigan is one of the 7 wonder cities in the world. People there were able to preserve the structures which is part the history of the Philippines when we were colonize by the Spaniards. The most famous street was the Crisologo Museum, and the Heritage Village. We also went to Burnayan (pottery-making), and Baluarte.

It has been the second longest day of my life.

Day 3, is our free time

We just chill at the hotel, then around 12am we were took to the Partas bus station going to Vigan.

We stayed at Vigan for the last time, and left there around 8pm. We arrived at Pasay Partas bus station around 4am, then head on to NAIA for our flight back to Cebu.

It was really a memorable experience for us. It is the farthest place we've been through so far, and I was happy with the people I have been with throughout our adventure.

Thanks to all the people who made it possible, specially to our tour guide, chim and jp, and most importantly to mepo who arrange everything for me.

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Lost in Aloguinsan Hidden beach resort

Literally lost in Aloguinsan is what happened to us last Sunday. After going to church in the morning, Mepo and I decided to have a supposedly short ride to a beach somewhere in Aloguinsan. I have never been to that place before, and our only guide is google map. According to google map, it would only take us an hour and 20 minutes to get to Aloguinsan. But I learned my lesson not to trust google map that much because it took us more than 2 hours and the road from Carcar City to Aloguinsan is worst.

We saw this post from the Internet about hidden beach resort. The pictures taken by that person were really nice so we got curious and decided to explore the place.

Weekend at the Karancho beach Mactan Island

Watch this video taken in Maribago Karancho beach Mactan Island. Hope you enjoy the music as well... It's always a good time!

Spending weekend in Intosan Water Park Danao

So it was a day after valentines, I and my girlfriend went to Intosan Water park in Danao. Our plan was initially to go to Camotes Island, however, we don't have enough time to spare so we ended up in Danao. There are several resorts to choose from when you're going North of Cebu, but we decided to choose this place because of the pictures are so inviting  and my mepo loves swimming pool.

3 ft. swimming pool view

We arrived in Intosan around 11 am, went straight to the reception area and  paid for the room for Php 1,200.00. Then we proceed to the water park  and  waited for the 2pm check in time... The name of our room was Rosa. It was like a separate house with air conditioned and located at the back part of the water park. Just outside of it is the swimming pool. 

We have a horror story to tell about this place, but I'd rather tell the story in person. :) 

My thoughts about the place

The place is wide and ideal for family outing specially if you have kids with you because the swimming pool is only 3 ft. and 4 ft. deep so less worry for parents. 

They do not allow you to bring alcoholic beverages, because I guess they want you to buy that in their bar, but aside from that, you can bring food, soft drinks, etc.. without corkage.

Remember, when you're in Danao to check out their Lechon manok. It taste different, it taste really good. You will find it in Danao Public market.  

Here are some of the photo's I took while we were in Intosan Water park in Danao.

This their main swimming pool. It's the pool close to the tables area where we waited for our check in time.

4 ft. swimming pool. View from our table.
Their slide is pretty nice, not so long but I didn't try sliding here. I will never ever take any swimming pool slides again. Never! If you have read my previous blog posts, you'll know why. lol

Slide in Intosan Water park
We explored the resort, and we saw this small swimming pool. It's really nice but we didn't swim here. Init kaau. 

At the back of Intosan Water park I guess its just 2 ft deep so you can let your kids play here.
Entrance view of Intosan Water park
Back view of the resort Intosan
Outside our room
Back portion of the resort
See Saw at the back of the resort
Our new stuffs for swimming.
Tagging: Resorts in North Cebu, Danao, Swimming pool in Cebu.

Note: I am not paid to blog this resort. Everything I wrote here is based on my personal thoughts. If you have questions or concern about this resort, you can reach them through this link Intosan Contact Information

Random pictures of places in Cebu and other parts of the Philippines

They say I have a photographic eyes, and a natural talent with cameras... lol check out my random pictures below. Enjoy watching, and please let me know what picture you like the most through the comment section. I appreciate that a lot! :)

Samal beach with Mepo's cousins

Beautiful sunset view at Samal beach.

Going to SM Cebu

In between dump truck and sedan..

SRP sunrise picture
Somewhere near Ayala fly over and Parklane hotel Cebu

This post will be updated regularly. More pictures coming soon!

Motorcycle accident in SRP Cebu actual video

Earlier today, I decided to have a short ride to Minglanilia. Going home, I passed through the SRP road then suddenly this happen. A CB110 Honda motorcycle overtake, when the scooter suddenly turns left without signal. Good thing nothing was seriously injured. 

SRP cebu road accident

This reminds me of how easy life can be taken away from us especially if you are a rider. I hope this will serve as a lesson to all of us my fellow drivers. Starting today, let's drive defensively.