The waiting time after Ghost Update from IP2

November 22

I'm still waiting for the Golden PPR email. I'm starting to get anxious again. I think I'm not learning anything. How can I discipline myself to be steady and still in times like this? I've been to this situation a lot of times and God always comes to save me! But why I still get anxious? I don't know! I pray God will forgive me for my spiritual immaturity despite what he already did to my life. - These are my thoughts while I was driving to work. I turned off the car's stereo so I can concentrate my thoughts to God. I was asking lord what do you want to tell me?

Now I access YouTube and came across this talk of brother Bo Sanchez about 'Secret to Success'. Here's the link:

With this talk, I realize that God already concede the miracle in my life. Let me give you a quick overview about the talk.

There are 3 elements of success that we have to go through. The first is the planting part. This is the most exciting part. This is  where we are most energetic and optimistic about our dream. However, after a few days, months, and even years that nothing happens to our goal. We began to lose our hope. And this is when our dreams usually die because we don't have the same passion anymore. We are no longer doing what we need to do to achieve the dream because we don't see progress. And  that is the 2nd part.

We have to realize that in this stage, God is already filling us with everything we need to be successful. This is the part where God's love is most highlighted! This is the part that our dream has already been given to us by God. The second part is the real success of your life.

The third part? Its when the blessing overflows and you will become a blessing to other. It is the achievement of your goal.

So how did God talked to me?

God already concede the miracle in my life. This process of waiting for PPR has transformed me into a better person. I learned to trust in him more. Love the people around me more, and most especially I learned to value all the people I love. The waiting part is really difficult if you don't let go and let God. The moment I lift my hands to God, I feel all these waiting burden go away. I feel so much lighter now. God told me that even before the Miracle of PPR will arrive, I should already celebrate what God has promise.

If you commit your work to the Lord, you will succeed!

Lord I am expecting! Your will be done.

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