Motorcycle Ride to Balamban Cebu

Probably the best place to break-in your engine is the Transcentral highway.  The road will make your engine do everything with uphill, to downhill course. 

Road direction from Cebu to Balamban
Direction from Cebu to Balamban via Trancentral Highway

Ride to Balamban
Our first stop going to Balamban.

Dangerous part of Transcentral Highway
The most dangerous part of the transcentral highway. I myself almost had an accident here.

Welcome to Balamban Signage
Welcome to Balamban.

The famous adventure cafe
The famous Adventure cafe.

Convergys Motojocks
We are self proclaimed motojocks.

Balamban Liempo
Everyone is serious about the Liempo.

I was expecting that when you get to Balamban, the famous food would be their liempo. We looked everywhere for a place that sells liempo, and we asked from locals. They pointed us to the liempohan near the bus terminal. We were discourage when we saw the liempohan because it's just a small stall. But when we got to taste their liempo, men it was so delicious! It's like a liempo + boneless lechon combined. That liempo is worth going back to.

With regard to the ride. Transcentral is a dangerous highway because of it's slope, and curves so be sure not to overspeed when you're passing there. Just maintain 40-60kph speed. It's better to be safe the sorry.