Motorcycle ride and overnight stay at Lambug beach Badian

We had our team building in Badian Cebu. It was initially our motorcycle ride plan, but we thought it would be a whole lot better if our teammates that doesn't have motorcycle can come along and stay overnight in that place with us.  It was fun fun fun! I along with my 2 friends, Pat and his cousin took a motorcycle ride to Lambug beach Badian. It took us almost 3 hours to get there, maintaining our speed to 40-60kph, while others took a bus.


When you get there, people will ask if you had already reserved a house or room. If not, they will be suggesting you a place to stay. Don't worry, people there are nice and very accomodating.

We rent a small house for P 1,500.00. It was worth it because you can get to place a tent in front of the house and you can use the whole place for whaterver you want to do. There is a videoke machine that you can exclusively use. However, you have to drop P 5.00 for every 2 songs.

I find the place safe, because the residence themselves are watching over the place. We had tent, but I choose to sleep in the sand and it was my first time experience...It was really cool!

Another thing, I would advice you bring your own ready to cook, or cooked food because there's no available food there and the market is very far from the beach.

Also don't forget the drinks... :)

Here are some of the pictures I took. Unfortunately the camera I brought stopped working so I didn't had the chance to take many photos.

Lambog beach Lambug beach view

Lambug beach view in Badian Cebu.

Panorama view of Lambug beach Badian, Cebu.

Overall Lambug Beach Badian is definitely a recommended destination for team building, barkada trip, ride, etc...


White sand, cheap accommodations, and not so crowded.


The only disadvantage I could think of is the sea grasses, and the shallow beach.